Beneficiary beneficiary in contract of insurance of consist in person, must appoint by insurant or policy-holder, and policy-holder is appointed must agree via insurant when beneficiary beneficiary. 受益人只存在于人身保险合同中,须由被保险人或投保人指定,并且投保人指定受益人时必须经被保险人同意。
Policy is defined as written statement of the terms of a contract of insurance, and endorsement is the terms of modification clause. 受让方(受证人)将给甲方提供几份保险单或保险单上所加的变更保险范围的条款。
A contract of insurance is one between a party who agrees to accept the risk ( the insurer or the assure, know as the insurance company) 上面列有所签合同的各种条款,包括所承担的危险,保险金额和应付的保险费。
The event mentioned in the present Regulations refers to and event coming within the scope of cover under the contract of insurance. 本条例中的保险事故,是指发生保险合同责任范围内的事故。
Abandonment appears in the ship insurance contract of marine insurance first. 委付最初出现于海上保险中的船舶保险合同中。
In freightage insurance contract, of insurance mark is the goods in carriage process. 在货物运输保险合同中,保险标的是在运输过程中的货物。
Marine Insurance is an ancient system of Insurance, Insurable Interest, constituting the main condition of the contract of Marine Insurance. 海上保险是一种迂腐的保险制度,可保优点在海上保险制度中饰演着紧张的脚色,它是组成海上保险条约的重要条件。
What risk is covered by a fpa policy? The insurer under a contract of marine insurance has an insurable interest in his risk, and may re-insure in respect of it. 海上保险合同中的保险人对其承保的风险有保险利益,并可将有关风险再保险。
A contract of marine insurance is deemed to be concluded when the proposal of the assured is accepted by the insurer, whether the policy be then issued or not; 为表明保险人何时接受投保申请,得参考承保条或暂保单或其他签订合同时惯有的备忘录。
Temporary acknowledgement of a contract of insurance send before the insurance policy is issued. 暂保单,在正式保险单签发前寄出的对保险合同的临时承认。
The contract of insurance of persons mentioned in this Section is briefly referred to as "the contract," unless specified otherwise. 本节中的人身保险合同,除特别指明的外,简称合同。
A contract of insurance is a contract whereby the insurer undertaken, for a premium or assessment, to make a payment to the client or a third person if an event covered by the insurance occurs. 保险合同是一种保险人收取一笔保险费或核定的款项,若出现保险承保的事故,负责赔偿客户或第三人的合同。
Should, after the conclusion of the contract of insurance, there be any non-disclosure, concealment or misrepresentation by the insured of the material circumstances mentioned in the preceeding paragraph the insurer shall be entitled to rescind the contract of insurance or disclaim liability. 保险合同成立后,如果发现投保方对本条上款所述的主要危险情况不申报或者有隐瞒或者作错误的申报,保险方有权解除保险合同或者不负赔偿责任。
Is subject to the present title, every contract of insurance which has as its object the guaranty of risks in respect of a maritime operation. 受现行名称的制约,保险合同是指其客体旨在保证有关海上营运各项风险的保险合同。
The author considers the essence of the principle of utmost good faith is the principle of bona fide, it is the application and development naturally of the principle of bona fide in the maritime system of contract of insurance. 笔者认为,最大诚信原则实质上就是诚信原则,是诚信原则在海上保险合同制度中的运用和自然发展。
On the Special Clause of the Contract of Insurance 试论保险合同之特约条款
Put forward the model and extreme of the suitable proportion principle: the situation that the age is represented by mistake in the personal contract of insurance, at this moment, the content of representation is simple in fact; 提出适用比例原则之典型与极端:人身保险合同中年龄误告的情形,此时,不实告知内容单纯,促使损害发生原则无需登台,以日臻成熟的保险精算为前提的比例原则一统天下;
The fourth part discuss a question about the contract of insurance of quality responsibility of project. 第四部分是关于工程质量责任保险合同的问题。
D. From principle the right can only be used in the contract of insurance. D.代位求偿权原则上只在财产保险合同中适用(但笔者认为保险代位求偿制度没有任何余地地只能存在于财产保险合同中的提法是不甚确切的);
Second, under incomplete information, playing chess to analyze the optimum contract of insurance of the insured and reinsurance. 二是在不完全信息情况下,当保单外生给定时,通过博弈来分析投保人与保险人所达成的最优免赔额保险合同。
In the contract of insurance, the right of the insurance premium that the beneficiary asks to receive belong to the inherent right. 保险合同中,受益人的保险金给付请求权属于固有权并非继受而来。
With the development of the undertaking of the insurance, the behavior of swindling the insurance compensation is complicated increasingly, besides the traditional policy holder, the insured or the beneficiary, the other people can also utilize contract of insurance to swindle insurance compensation. 随着保险事业的发展,诈骗保险金的行为日益复杂,除传统的投保人、被保险人或受益人之外,其他人也可以利用保险合同诈骗保险金;
Throughout the development of the Doctrine, its general meaning may be constantly summarized as: where the insured does not have any insurable interest in the subject matter insured, the contract of insurance is not enforceable. 纵观可保利益原则的发展历程,其一贯的主要内涵可被简化为:被保险人对保险标的不具可保利益的保险合同不可被执行。
The contract of guaranty insurance may be terminated by the reason of contract or law. 保证保险合同因约定或法定原因终止,其中解除有自身特殊规则限制。
The definition of our country about double insurance should adopt the broadly defined concept, but it is must reflect the condition about duration of coincide of the contract of insurance being in effect clearly. 我国《保险法》对重复保险的概念仍应采用广义说,但必须明确体现保险合同的生效期间重合这个要件。
After the establishment of insurance contract, both parties will be governed by the contract of insurance. 保险合同成立后,双方当事人就受保险合同的约束。
The particularity of engineering construction has determined that the contract of insurance of quality responsibility of the project is differ from the ordinary contract of insurance in many aspects. 工程建设的特殊性决定了工程质量责任保险合同在很多方面不同于普通的保险合同。
Rescission of the contract of marine insurance has a huge impact to the interests of both the parties. 海上保险合同的解除对当事人双方的利益有着巨大影响。
It is free to increase the flexibility, insured, the assured of modification of the contract of insurance in this way. 这样就增加了保险合同变更的灵活性和投保人、被保险人自由性。